
Agricultural Government representative of Ciudad Real visited us

Last 7th November, Dª Amparo Bremard, “Delegada Provincial” in Ciudad Real and mayor and councillor of Villarta de San Juan, Irene Ruiz Camacho y Lorena García Blanc, visited Agropecuaria de Frutos Secos SL. facilities. During the journey they show interest in the new investment in the almonds plant and pistachio sorting plant.  In the visit we …

Agricultural Government representative of Ciudad Real visited us >>

Government representative of Ciudad Real visited to us

Carmen Teresa Olmedo Pedroche, “Delegada de la Junta” in Ciudad Real, and Prado Amores, Province Director of Agriculture, they visited Agropecuaria de Frutos Secos SL. facilities few days ago. They visited the new storage and dry almonds plants with 1M kg of capacity. They were interested in the new business lines development growth projects of …

Government representative of Ciudad Real visited to us >>

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