Since last February Europe and the World are struggling with a war that is causing the price of energy and basic foods to destabilize. In this context Symaga Group is providing the Association of Ukrainians of Alcázar de San Juan with financial support to better cope with their difficult circumstances. Apart from this, the workers …
Quality and quantity. Pistachio Harvest 2022.
Our technician tells us that this week pistachio harvest ends in Loma Pajarera farm, one of the largest pistachio production farm in Spain that houses 192 ha, 60 ha with 25 years in production and 87 ha of new plantation, of which 45 are organic pistachio. It priveleged location at 970m above sea level in …
Fertirrigation of our pistachio trees
Last week started with a new irrigation system on the Loma Pajarera farm. Our technician, Rubén Cruz, speaks about the advantages and the effect on both productivity and quality. Fertirrigation is carried out in both conventional and organic pistachio trees. The doses are adjusted to a vegetative cycle of the crop, trying to cover the …
Pistachios trees in blossom
As usual each spring the cycle of nature repeats itself and we can enjoy pistachios in blossom. Harvest forecast has been overshadowed by last raining of April, that coincidence with blossom, they can be harmful, but the delay of blossom has allowed normal development of fruit. This initial phase promises a good harvest but agriculture …
New sustainable and integral management of pistachios
In this year, el Bisabuelo Eladio implements a new sustainable and integral management of pistachios. In the last months of 2021, we have designed an improvement plan to set during this year. Right now we are finalizing a pruning plan, that focuses on rejuvenation of adult plantations boosting the youngest branches and guidance until the formation of …
Solidarity Challenge of Symaga 2021. Virtual Storage for La Palma
This year, the donations of Symaga Group focus on two projects, La Palma and Afghanistan. In Spain, the Palma volcano is affecting a large part of the island and its inhabitans, leaving without resources to the most disadvantaged. The Tenerife Food Bank is going to get a contribution from our Company and of the employees, …
Solidarity Challenge of Symaga 2021. Virtual Storage for La Palma >>
Exports to the European market
El Bisabuelo Eladio start to increase its export rate, reaching 20% of haverst 2020´s production. Since its establishment, the producer, processor, and marketer of pistachio and almond, the Company is founded over an international foundation, due to the inertia exerted by belonging to the same group of companies as Symaga Group, which exceeds 95% Export …
Pistachio harvest 2021 started
Last Monday, 4 October, our technician Rubén Cruz, sent us a picture of a new cleaning yard, ready to start pistachio harvest in Loma Parajera. The yard, released in the last harvest campaign, has facilitated waste management (leaves, sticks, pebbles), reducing the time and ensuring the quality of the pistachio cleaning process. A very favorable …
New organic plantation in Loma Pajarera
The Loma Pajarera farm, one of the largest pistachio production farms in Spain, continues to grow. This year we have increased the number of has, with 45 ha of the new organic plantation, the farm has a total of 192 ha. Our technician, on his last visit last week, has reviewed the growth of the …
Loading dock
In February, the Extension of the Pistachio Processing Plant was completed. A new refrigeration plant, with four refrigerated chambers, improves pistachio preservation; and a new cleaning yard in Loma Pajarera, which facilitates waste management, ensuring the quality of the pistachio cleaning process. Last week this extensión was completed with the completion of the construction of …